Hello World

Hello there! I’ve finally gotten a personal website set up and running after forever. The website itself is built by the static website generator Hugo, and the website is then hosted by my raspberry pi home server. This allows me to write all of my pages and blog posts as markdown files and not worry anything about website building.

You’re probably asking at this point, why am I not using popular website creators such as Wix or Wordpress to create and host my website? Because if I really wanted to have a personal website up fast and without any technical skills, those services would fit me perfectly. To that, you’re probably right. However, that also gives me less control over my website and my data — the website builders might paywall certain features, they might put atrocious looking banners on top of my webpage, and they might even sell my personal information. Plus, tinkering with software to get a website up and running is also really satisfying.

In the future, I would like to write more about me, my thoughts, and my interests. This might include:

  • Software and programming
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Personal stories
  • Random thoughts

[An image of my raspberry pi]

I’m also working on getting comments enabled in the website. They should work soon™